Production of car shampoo
The production of car shampoo for contactless washing FS Wash Master 5000 with good foaming has b...
Read moreFarsa Group LLC offers a focus on providing specialty and commodity chemistry programs and related services for upstream, midstream and downstream for oil & gas, mining and water operations. Solving onsite problems and the application of innovative technologies, we deliver sustainable solutions to overcome complex challenges at in country energy frontiers. Our Water & Process Services team helps our customers to reduce energy, water and other natural resource consumption, enhance air quality, minimize environmental releases and improve productivity and end products while boosting their bottom line.
Farsa Group LLC is focused on local content increase, keeping involved local source of Azerbaijan produced products and materials. Involving the new generation of local engineers and supply chain professionals, Farsa Group LLC is growing the family having the competency program for each team member and at the same time increasing the efficiency of value around Farsa Group LLC Operations and Customers. Mixture of these elements allows to have safe, qualified and environmental focused operations for local production and customer services, which are the key for Farsa Group LLC Operations. One of the main advantages of Farsa Group LLC is high Azerbaijani content in the products produced and services provided. By continuous optimization of the production line, we have substantially increased the amount of local raw materials used for production.
The production of car shampoo for contactless washing FS Wash Master 5000 with good foaming has b...
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The production of chemicals used by public and private swimming pools has started at the base of ...
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Following the successful laboratory tests and installation of all necessary equipment Far...
It is known that all substances used in the production of any product are delivered to manufactur...
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Reverse osmosis removes contaminants from unfiltered water, or feed water, when pressure forces i...
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