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In fulfillment of this commitment, Farsa Group LLC shall maintain a continuing effort to:

  • Achieve ZERO HARM by following world class standards of SHE Management Systems, Responsible care initiatives, process safety management, good maintenance practices, enhancement strategies for the environment, and the Protection of the Environment
  • Enhance Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) awareness and responsibility among our employees and associated stakeholders including contractor/ transport personnel, valued customers along at par with own employees through effective communication, training, and demonstrated performance to achieve ZERO HARM- Zero Harm to People, Zero Harm to Assets and Zero Harm to Environment
  • Comply and endeavor to exceed with all applicable safety, health, and environment laws and regulations to set the highest standards
  • Integrate SHE considerations into business planning and decision making without compromise in pursuit of commercial advantage
  • Embody principles of product stewardship by enhancing health, safety, environmental and social impacts of products and services across their lifecycles
  • Proactively reduce our risk assessment through risk assessment, process improvements, periodic SHE audits, the investigation of all workplace and process safety incidents and illnesses, and closure of findings to promptly correct any unsafe conditions or practices
  • Make SHE performance an important parameter that would govern key decisions around employee life cycle or continued business relations as applicable
  • Increase shareholders value through SHE excellence

This policy shall be periodically reviewed in order to ensure its alignment to the business and all applicable regulatory requirements and shall be communicated to all concerned and on request be made available to the public as well.